Grace Christian Family Center is a non-denominational church.
Its beliefs are stated in its Mission Statement and Creed:
Mission Statement of Grace Christian Family Center
We provide a place for Christians to worship God, free of prejudices of race or religious background. We provide training for all ages from biblical principles. We believe the keys to success in all areas of life are found in the Holy Bible, and we employ a variety of training techniques to prepare Christians to be successful. We strive to help people from all denominational backgrounds feel comfortable in worshipping God, and find commonness through faith in Christ rather than differences based on our religious pasts.
Creed of Grace Christian Family Center
I believe in God, the Father of all, Creator of all that exists.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I believe that He died that I might live, and that through His death my sins are forgiven.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the gift of God imparted to man. I believe the Holy Spirit empowers me to live victoriously.
I believe in the Bible, God’s written Word. I believe it holds the keys to relationships with man and God. I believe that the Word practiced prevents me from sinning, and prepares me for eternity.
I believe in the local church, and I believe it is the body of Christ effectively working to serve humanity.
I believe I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and by His design destined for victory.
I am a believer!